What is Oldtimerfarm? Oldtimerfarm is a selling organization, which is specialized in selling collection cars by order. We work on a consignment sales principle. Our website, Oldtimerfarm.be is the virtual showroom which contains the cars that are for sale at our farm at this moment. All cars belong to people who have decided to subcontract the sale of their precious collection car to us.
A classic car is not only a vehicle with a nice shape; it often represents the typical way of life of its period. In this way every drive with a classic car is also an escape into the past, sometimes it is the hidden wish of many people to taste something of their childhood again.
Driving through the fields in a classic car with an open roof on a sunny day, or even just with open windows, alone or as part of one of the many organized trips, gives a very special and exclusive feeling of freedom and independency that is seldom equaled.
Once you have felt this sensation you won’t easily let the passion go. It is not always obvious to find the right vehicle in the preferred condition. It often happens that candidate buyers connoisseurs get really disappointed when visiting an offered car physically. That is why we try to describe and offer our cars as correctly as possible, also to people who are less up in the world of classic cars.
Is your classic car for sale?
It is our pleasure to offer you our services for selling your collection car. Our professional Consignment-sale will definitely book positive results for you as well. Please find all possible explanation and answers to the most frequently asked questions in the document below. Take your time to go through it or contact us immediately for an oral explanation.
Once there was a rich meadowland near a big farm in Aalter. In the beginning of the eighties, a little boy played with his little dinky toy cars on this grassland. Passionate about the exposition and the protection against nature’s elements he had built an underground tunnel to stored his cars.
On a beautiful day his mother called him for teatime. Shortly thereupon it started raining and the little boy could not go outside anymore to collect his little cars. Twenty years later, the cars were discovered during ground works. However they had become full size classic cars. It was at that magical rich spot that Xavier decided to give shape to Oldtimerfarm.
Let’s talk business now. Being active for many years in the field of classic cars and different organizations, Xavier was confronted with a few problems: firstly an ever-growing collection of his father from which he had to sell due to a lack of space. The problems resulting from this were numerous: missed appointments, tyre kickers, hours on the phone, people offering 10% of the required price etc.. On the otherside there was the deception after deception when he visited cars that were presented for sale: cars that were described as ‘being in good condition ’ were most of the time ‘for restoration . After those experiences he decided to start -based on a French and a Dutch model- an organization in which people can bring their collection cars for sale to have them sold in a correct way.